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Peri Menopause

Peri Menopause

This is the name used to describe the time leading up to the change in a woman's life.

These days we are living longer and our roles as women are being redefined

At one time we were having babies at 14 we were grandmothers in our 30’s and did not live much past the age of 50.

Therefore many women died before they reached this right of passage.

A right of passage is exactly what peri menopause is.

Just like our first bleed, our menarch

This right of passage is a rebirthing, Its a birthing into the next version of our selfs.

Entering this transitional phase of our lives is referred to as our Autumn, Wise Woman, Queen or Maga years.

Maga coming from the word magician.

As with all transitional times we can experience this rite of passage very differently.

Some of us moving through this time with ease, some of us experiencing bumpy moments.

Depending on your own generational story. What is going on in your mother line? Your red thread.

This will determine how gracefully you move through this time.

In this video i share a glimpse of what is very mysterious time of a womens life.

If you feel called to learn more about entering your Autumn years please let me know as I’m working on something new.

Similarly if you are celebrating your transition into Queendom please share your experience, I’d love to hear from you. Peri Menopause

This is the name used to describe the time leading up to the change in a woman's life.

These days we are living longer and our roles as women are being redefined

At one time we were having babies at 14 we were grandmothers in our 30’s and did not live much past the age of 50.

Therefore many women died before they reached this right of passage.

A right of passage is exactly what peri menopause is.

Just like our first bleed, our menarch

This right of passage is a rebirthing, Its a birthing into the next version of our selfs.

Entering this transitional phase of our lives is referred to as our Autumn, Wise Woman, Queen or Maga years.

Maga coming from the word magician.

As with all transitional times we can experience this rite of passage very differently.

Some of us moving through this time with ease, some of us experiencing bumpy moments.

Depending on your own generational story. What is going on in your mother line? Your red thread.

This will determine how gracefully you move through this time.

In this video i share a glimpse of what is very mysterious time of a womens life.

If you feel called to learn more about entering your Autumn years please let me know as I’m working on something new.

Similarly if you are celebrating your transition into Queendom please share your experience, I’d love to hear from you.


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